K10 “Quazrtz” The K10 “Quartz” is a slick line, E-line , or coiled tubing conveyed downhole memory gauge with significantly enhanced capabilities. In the basic configuration it is a low-cost, hight realiability pressure and temperature recorder. With enhanced feature, it is a low-cost, instrument producing pressure, temperature, and flor along with depth data for a more complete well survey. Features • Entire designed, manufactured and assembled in U.S.A. • “Quartzdyne” quartz resonator transducer • Battery management system within sofware • Buit-in Surface Readout (SRO) mode • Delta P/Delta T sampling options • Redundant memory • Low power requirement • USB interface for fast downloading • Depth data with sireal encoder for Pressure/Time vs. Depth/Time • Upgradeable Firmware • Optional Flowmeter Application • Static and flowing gradient tests • Downhole leak detection • Detecting flowing zones • Injection testing • Gas lifting optimization • Drillstem testing IV. DATA INTERPRETATION At present, VSP well testing team uses Ecrin sofware includes modules for Pressure Transient Analysis (Saphir) and Production Analysis (Topaze).. This software can calculate reservoir parameters as Pi - initial pressure, K - permeability, C - well bore storage, S - skin, R - effect radius, Kh – Perm thickness product, etc. with high accuracy and reliability. It can interpret testing data on oil, gas, water well with different geologic models.
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