• Xưởng sửa chữa máy địa vật lý

    Xưởng có nhiệm vụ chính là bảo dưỡng, sửa chữa và hiệu chỉnh các máy móc thiết bị điện tử phục vụ cho các đơn vị trong Xí nghiệp địa vật lý giếng khoan. Ngoài ra xưởng còn nghiên cứu đưa vào ứng dụng và phát triển công nghệ tin học trong công tác địa vật lý

  • Trung tâm Phân tích và Xử lý số liệu

    Có nhiệm vụ đánh giá chất lượng tài liệu do Xí nghiệp Địa vật lý thực hiện.

  • Đội công nghệ cao

    Khảo sát địa vật lý tổng hợp trong giếng đang khoan. Đo địa vật lý tổng hợp, bắn mìn.

  • Đội Kiểm tra công nghệ khai thác

    Có nhiệm vụ là đo khảo sát và kiểm tra công nghệ khai thác trong các giếng khai thác và bơm ép.

  • Đội Carota khí

    Đội Carôta khí có nhiệm vụ chính là khảo sát carota khí, cung cấp kịp thời các số liệu để xác minh trữ lượng, tình trạng các giếng khoan.

  • Đội thử vỉa

    Đội có nhiệm vụ thử vỉa ở các giếng khoan nhằm định hướng cho công tác khoan, xác định tình trạng và đo vỉa, cung cấp thông tin để xác định trữ lượng công nghiệp của giếng



High Resolution Induction

HRI Tool specification
Deep Medium Shallow
Max Temp
3500F (1750C)
Max Press
20 000 psi (137 900 kPa)
Max hole
4 in (102 mm)
Min hole
24 in (610 mm)
0.1 to 2000 ohm.m
Vertical Resolution (90%)
12 or 24 in30.5 or 61 cm 12 or 24 in(30.5 or 61 cm)
<17 in (<43cm)
Depth of Investigation (50%)
91 in 231 cm 39 in(99.06 cm)

<17 in (<43cm)


±0.25 ohmm

±0.25 ohmm


± 1% or ± 1 ohmm ± 1%or ± 1 ohmm


Depth of Investigation (50%
3 to 20 ft 1 to 3m
± 2%
    Primary Curves
HRd, HRm, DFL, HR90, HR60, HR50, HR40, HR30, HR24
   Secondary Curves
     Commercial Performance In Today’s Search for Hydrocarbons. The High Resolution Induction log from Halliburton offers superior vertical resolution and significantly greater depth of investigation than conventional induction logs. The HRI tool produces three primary measurements: a deep induction (HRd), a medium induction (HRm), and a digitally focused resistivity (DFL). Reading 40% deeper than ILd measurements, HRd measurements can resolve beds as thin as two feet and are accurate in beds thicker than three feet. The HRd, HRm, and DFL all have similar vertical resolution. Our innovative processing provides a log in real time, at the wellsite. Plus the HRI’s symmetric array provides a more robust, error-free log.
            As the search for new oil and gas resources contin­ues, more and more explo­ration and development is targeted toward so-called unconventional reservoirs. Drilling objectives include interceded sand-shale sequences, thin beds, low-resistivity pay sands, and beds with little resistivity contrast from their sur­roundings. While the detection and evaluation of many of these reservoirs often exceed the capabili­ties of conventional resis­tivity devices, significant technical advancements allow HRI tools to locate and provide accurate information about such zones, which may otherwise be bypassed

                 Thin beds

Reservoir intervals less than 10 feet thick comprise numerous primary and secondary exploration and development objectives. Utilizing reduced shoulder bed effects and improvements in vertical response, HRI logs resolve beds as thin as 2 feet. 

                 Laminated Sand-Shale Sequences

Marine depositional environments and fluvial flood plains commonly contain laminated sand-shale sequences. Decreased shoulder response and improved vertical resolution again enhance interpretation in these situatio

               Additional Secondary Objectives

By detecting thin beds and using quadrature processing to improve tool response, HRI logs can locate additional, potentially productive zones not indicated by other logging devices. While some primary objectives may not require HRI advantages for evaluation, HRI logs can illuminate secondary production possibilities for completion attempts. Without HRI information, numerous profitable secondary objectives could be permanently overlooked.

Groningen-Effect Environments

Below massive, highly resistive formations, deep laterolog devices read abnormally high resistivities. This phenomenon is known as the Groningen-effect and normally masks any productive zone below the massive resistive bed. HRI logs display no Groningen-effects.

Oil-Base Muds

Focused resistivity devices such as laterolog, spherically focused, and microspherically focused tools are designed to operate in an electrically conductive borehole medium and thus do not function effectively in oil-base muds. This requirement is not applicable to HRI tools; consequently, they are able to operate in oil-base muds and air-filled boreholes.


Deeper water exploration targets and many land prospects commonly include turbidites, which are high-energy submarine depositional environments encountered near continental shelf margins. The superior vertical resolution offered by HRI measurements can improve the evaluation of thin beds contained in turbidite sequences.

Deep Invasion

Typically, deeply invaded formations are associated with moderate permeability, medium to low porosity, high-water-loss muds, overbalanced mud systems, and drilling operations in pressure-depleted reservoirs. By investigating 1.4 times deeper than conventional induction devices, the HRI tool explores past the invaded zone to improve true resistivity measurement accuracy.

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